It would seem silly to limit the life and career of J. Brian Steeves (d. 2007) to “music teacher,” although that is certainly his legacy. “Mr. Steeves,” as he was known throughout his professional career as a choral director at Kingston High School in New York, opened many of us to the world of great musical traditions.

Always demanding, always professional, Mr. Steeves modeled for me a pathway into the world of music education. While I eventually chose to focus on university teaching in my own career, I nevertheless carried with me the influence of Steeves’ intense preparation he brought to every aspect of his job. In my 30s I remembered that one of my life’s ambitions was to drive a Volkswagen Beetle, and I chuckled as I recalled that it was for the very reason that Steeves drove a Beetle. In fact, “Becoming Mr. Steeves” could easily be a chapter in my never-to-be-written autobiography. “Even beauty must die,” we sang (Brahms, Nänie), and 45 years later I still hum and occasionally sing through my memories of this influential man.

Gregory Melchor-Barz, December 2020